Hopefully you'll be able to find these simple ingredients at your local market. Please try and eat well to stay well. No skipping meal, and add some protein to your daily diet. Blessing to All.
Vegetable soup is an excellent nutritious meal choice. This savory soup is a real comfort and a hearty meal.
Some folks don't eat their veggies, and this is a delicious, soothing way to get your protein and minerals.
As we go through this terrible crisis, this soup is so tasty and refreshing, especially when were singing the blues.
Simply and easy to prepare, ready in under 15 minutes. YUM
32 oz. box low sodium vegetable broth
1 bag frozen carrots (use 1/4 bag)
16 ounce bag, frozen assorted vegetables
1 teaspoon minced garlic and onion
1/2 cup cooked orzo or rice
1 fresh egg, raw (optional) Thickens broth
Add the above ingredients to a medium size pot, and mix well. Cover and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes. You want veggies cooked through. Some markets have already prepared veggie soup, but remember, it's very high in sodium, and with added oils.